An Update: Planning Reforms & Your Applications Simplified
Councillor and Clerk Networking
An Update: Planning Reforms & Your Applications Simplified
Councillor & Clerk Networking
Gail Boyle, our esteemed Planning in Plain English trainer will be walking us through what changes have taken place to the NPPF, what councils need to be aware of and what's still to come. Some key features of these reforms include:
- Housing Targets and Land Supply
- Green Belt Protections
- Traveller Site Planning Policy
- Support for Local Authorities
- Neighbourhood Planning
In addition to this we've viewed a demonstration from CloudyIT on their new AI tool that can simplify report writing on planning applications and responses, and we would love to show it to you. Basically it makes this process as simple as attaching, to a search box, all the documents relating to an application and asking it to 'write a report to be presented to the full council/planning committee' and 'responding'. You'll be astounded at how quick and seamless it'll make this time-consuming process for you.
This is a free, online event