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Local Audit Reform Consultation

A strategy for overhauling the local audit system in England. Find the consultation document HERE

What will happen to our district council?

In these very early stages of possible devolution for the county members can read more HERE from NALC, and HERE

Standards Consultation

Strengthening the Standards and Conduct Framework for Local Authorities in England. HERE is the consulation document 

English Devolution White Paper Published

The White Paper sets out the government’s plans to widen and deepen devolution in England. Read more here


#Make a Change, Become a Councillor

Charlotte Parry, Brockworth Parish Council

Parish and Town Councils are the heart of communities; they are the most trusted tier of government and are closest to the people they represent. If you are a community-minded person with a passion for the people, parks, facilities and services in your area, then stand for election, or make yourself available for co-option. Members can also access our comprehensive Election Toolkit.

Watch this video